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- Helix <3
Aaaaaand I'm back.
Had the long-overdue conversation yesterday with my parents that followed up me coming out to them, and...It could've gone better. I was made to feel somewhat guilty about telling some of their friends that I'm gay before telling them, thus proving the point as to why I didn't tell them in the first place (as an additional factor here, the people I told are also my friends, and I felt comfortable telling them). Dad's stance on homosexuality was very predictable, and I can't work out whether he can't or won't change his stance. He said he was worried that I'd be going to hell due to being in a same-sex relationship (yeah, thanks for that), and the other big thing? He went on to say that if Mike and I were to get married in a church, he'd find it very difficult to attend. With regard to what Mum thought, she kinda echoed most of what Dad said.
I know it was only one conversation, but it left me feeling somewhat upset. I get the impression that my parents won't reconsider their beliefs, especially my dad, as he just can't seem to acknowledge that there may be another way of thinking about things. I feel there's an element of pride involved, and also some stubbornness. I sensed an undertone of 'You're choosing to be gay', which is complete bullshit, and not how anything works. I was getting alarm bells in my head that started to ring 'conversion therapy', and it was rather worrying.
I could be overthinking things, but I think I'm right to be concerned about what was said yesterday. I'm trying to be hopeful about the future, but it's really not easy at all when my parents believe that I'm sinning by being in a relationship with Mike. It's a struggle to know what to do next.
Had the long-overdue conversation yesterday with my parents that followed up me coming out to them, and...It could've gone better. I was made to feel somewhat guilty about telling some of their friends that I'm gay before telling them, thus proving the point as to why I didn't tell them in the first place (as an additional factor here, the people I told are also my friends, and I felt comfortable telling them). Dad's stance on homosexuality was very predictable, and I can't work out whether he can't or won't change his stance. He said he was worried that I'd be going to hell due to being in a same-sex relationship (yeah, thanks for that), and the other big thing? He went on to say that if Mike and I were to get married in a church, he'd find it very difficult to attend. With regard to what Mum thought, she kinda echoed most of what Dad said.
I know it was only one conversation, but it left me feeling somewhat upset. I get the impression that my parents won't reconsider their beliefs, especially my dad, as he just can't seem to acknowledge that there may be another way of thinking about things. I feel there's an element of pride involved, and also some stubbornness. I sensed an undertone of 'You're choosing to be gay', which is complete bullshit, and not how anything works. I was getting alarm bells in my head that started to ring 'conversion therapy', and it was rather worrying.
I could be overthinking things, but I think I'm right to be concerned about what was said yesterday. I'm trying to be hopeful about the future, but it's really not easy at all when my parents believe that I'm sinning by being in a relationship with Mike. It's a struggle to know what to do next.