As anyone who has read the shoutbox tonight will know, I am doing my product design gcse at the moment, which is designing and building a hedgehog house. Because my teacher decided to start our project half a term later than the other two classes, everyone is behind (resulting in me having to get to school at 6:45 am tomorrow and stay an hour after school every day last week). I have been doing some of the written work tonight as the deadline for the written work is 8:30 am tomorrow. This is stressful enough without my parents "helping". I keep telling them that I have done my drawing (of a birdhouse for some reason) wrong (we have to draw in isometric, but I didn't know this when we first drew it), yet they are telling that I don't have time to redo it because i have left it until the last minute like I always do (I had very little choice this time due to having limited information before). I'm so stressed now. They have been really annoying me for weeks now, and I am almost happy about staying extra at school to get away from them. They have been totally unsupportive in everything I've done and keep putting me down. They are also to over protective. "No you can't have Facebook, who knows what sort of things you will look at"
I'm tired of being told what to do. Can't they just leave me alone sometimes?