OK, first time posting in a thread like this as a newbie, so here we go
So I go to a specialised stop-school for kids who have a very hard time with mainstream (like me) and have mental disabilities (like me)
So what has this got to do with anything?! well, the classes are small and have about 5-7 kids in one class, BUT, my class has 5 people in and has one heavily mentally disabled (I don't have a problem with his particular disability, I am good friends with people like him! but you will see where he comes in later) and every lesson he will start moaning to teachers, saying that he "can't do the work" or "he's too tired" and basically gets the support teacher to do all this for him! (if there is no support teacher, the normal teacher will focus solely on him) You are probably thinking "well that isn't too bad! it's only his disability!" but the thing is when I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, I learned quite a lot about different mental illnesses! I have (as I said) got experience with people of his disability while I was at a mainstream school!
Added to this, he can tell that he annoys me! you can say thats just me, but when all your classmates pointed out that he is now basically mentally abusing me, and ME only, it kinda makes you wonder what the hell are the school doing! (and, he is a year below me! he is not even supposed to be in my class, and we are now doing work that is 4A when I used to be doing 7-8 in some subjects WTF! yes that is because of him

Now you are thinking "well, how can he be mentally abusing you?" I'll tell you how, when he speaks, he will first stare at me, start talking loudly, lowering and raising his pitch and constantly making high pitched sounds! you can say "how do you know thats not part of his disability?" because of the fact that his disability is being 5 mental years old!!! not anything else, and that is actually after asking most of the staff if there is anything else!!!
WHY ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! WHY PICK ON ME?!?!?!?!?!?!
And before you say "get your parents involved" they have been FOR THE PAST YEAR! NOTHING HAS CHANGED (hmmm, this is a rant apparently) the teachers are still doing the work FOR HIM, they are letting him walk around the room as he makes the excuse that he 'needs to stretch' when he could sit through a 2 HOUR FILM AT THE END OF THE LAST SCHOOL YEAR! is it really THAT hard to tell him to sit down and be quiet! the only solution I have been given is 'to tell a member of staff' I CANNOT DO THAT! I CANNOT COMPLAIN ABOUT IT! THAT WAS ON A FORM WHEN I FIRST JOINED THAT PLACE THAT I CANNOT GO UP TO STAFF TO COMPLAIN!
sorry for wasting your time and filling you with anger against me for having something against a person with a disability