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The Retrosquad: General Discussion

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Agreed. But maybe (very slim chance) that twistatron destroys the retro squad, making the others go and same with twistatron, as it’s mission is over, or something like that. But then again they wouldnt get 3 permanent flats in one year.
I’d be surprised if we even got one permanent flat next year. If the Galactica retheme rumours turn out to be true, it would mean the park having to juggle the marketing and advertising of three pretty major new attractions in one season.

Doable, but would be a lot to market on their channels.
In my opinion that's the one that needs replacing the most. Would be criminal if Towers opened the new Nemmy next to a traveling fairground ride. Needs a well-themed, permanent flat ride in its place.
This is exactly what I will anticipate will happen, or, they will just remove it now they have Nemesis and Sub Terra up and running.
I am glad that they are leaving. They added extra capacity to the park, but they were out of place, to say the least.
A penny says what replaces them will also exist in the line-up of at least one of the travelling fairs that tour the country, but IMAScore will knock out some generic song for them and that makes them become permanent flats that nobody cares about.
A penny says what replaces them will also exist in the line-up of at least one of the travelling fairs that tour the country, but IMAScore will knock out some generic song for them and that makes them become permanent flats that nobody cares about.

Can we not just enjoy a few moments of joy? :fearscream:
Angry White Woman GIF
Can we not just enjoy a few moments of joy? :fearscream:
Angry White Woman GIF
I just genuinely don't get this place's obsession with the Retrosquad as if there is a gaping flat ride chasm in the ride line-up. Universal are opening a new park in a little over a year's time and within the entire place there are two flat rides and one of those is a carousel.

And it'll have absolutely zero impact on ticket sales nor everyone raving about how good the place is.
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I just genuinely don't get this place's obsession with the Retrosquad as if there is a gaping flat ride chasm in the ride line-up. Universal are opening a new park in a little over a year's time and within the entire place there are two flat rides and one of those is a carousel.

And it'll have absolutely zero impact on ticket sales nor everyone raving about how good the place is.

I'll be glad to see the back of the Retro Squad, tacky things. I would love for new themed flats, as I many others would too.
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