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[The Smiler] Construction Updates and Ride Speculation

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To help some people if they are finding it hard to understand I have done a nice and simple diagram to help. It depicts what people have wanted and think will happen (we would be lucky to get this but if we do, then kudos to Alton Towers).


Overview picture


Zoomed in version

First we have the barrel roll that is highly thought to happen (I agree) and then the train brakes and stops in the secret element section - the 'washing machine' element which basically means the track will rotate as if it was attached to an inside of a washing machine and then the drum spun round (The inner workings will probably be smaller than what I have done, thats if the 'washing machine' part on the ride). Then we have the launched (via LSM fins) first lift hill that could happen and many have wanted it too. I have labelled where the pit and other items are such as brakes, LSM fins, magnetic brakes, lift chain (for second lift) and other things.

This next picture is to clear up about how the maintenance shed may work (Second level, the lower level is where the Secret Element could be).


Maintenance Shed Proposal

I hope helps people that are stuck and finding it hard to understand the track layout and what not. ;D

Don't forget this is all speculation and rumours. Not 100% certain.
Rollercoasters4Life said:
Don't forget this is all speculation and rumours. Not 100% certain.

I'm glad you put this at the bottom as I was about to rage that the washing machine element will not be happening. ;)

I'm certain there will be no secret element. Where you've positioned the 'washing machine' I think there will be one or two barrel rolls (or whatever you call them). The whole washing machine thing was a load of rubbish. It was either TT receiving the wrong information from their sources or they made it up. Either way since it's been taken down from their SW7 mini-site I can be sure it will not be happening. Besides, I'm sure some hardware would have appeared on the car parks if the element was happening.
IF they are going for an inversion record, then there is room to fit a second straight barrel roll after the curved one we have already seen built. That brings us up to 10. I suppose the two Intamin style S bend hills could be replaced with corkscrews, as the track would still follow almost the path as the plans, bringing the total to 12.

However, I still believe that the external track will match what was submitted for planning permission.
DiogoJ42 said:
IF they are going for an inversion record, then there is room to fit a second straight barrel roll after the curved one we have already seen built. That brings us up to 10. I suppose the two Intamin style S bend hills could be replaced with corkscrews, as the track would still follow almost the path as the plans, bringing the total to 12.

However, I still believe that the external track will match what was submitted for planning permission.

If they go for 12 inversions that would only equal the record as a 12 inversion coaster is currently under construction.

I can see there being 2 inversions before that first hill maybe but I'm certain we are getting at least 2 if not 4 extra inversions out on the track somewhere. They need at least 13 inversions to get the record and you can't fit 5 inversions in that building.

And the hot-point trick track is definitely not happening.
Dave said:
And the hot-point trick track is definitely not happening.
Well I certainly won't argue with that :p

Where else could another inversion be "squozed" in though? The only possible place I can think of is a final barrel roll before the brake run, following on from the banking of the turn just before it.

I'd rather they didn't do this though. If they do, the track will be nothing but one inversion after another, like a child's RCT creation. The published layout has a few moments to seperate the endless inversions.
Yeah they need to keep the bunny-hops in the ride to add a few extra sensations to the ride. At the moment they are really the only non-inversion element parts of the ride.

I don't know if there is space but adding an in-line just before the last break would be ok as you will still have the turn into that element as it stands just with an extra bit afterwards.
Is there room before the vertical lift for some kind of barrel roll? I wouldn't be for this as it is hardly imaginative but I just wondered if there is room there, or whether it would eat into the break run too much.

I still have this feeling that an inversion record is on the cards - which would mean the outside layout has changed somewhat from the plans... How many inversions would the coaster have to have for it to be unique but not necessarily the most amount of inversions in the world? It could be the worlds first X inversion coaster rather than the coaster with the worlds most inversions?
Everybody on the TST team seems to be debunking this washing machine element now, I think I'm going to start taking the hint lol! ;)

I think what's on the plans looks like a cracking layout, it'd be a shame to see any alterations to be honest. I'd be all for the inversion record if they have managed to squeeze them in without detriment to the rest of the layout. Just can't see that happening within such a small area, it'd be a shame to lose those hills and head choppers for a corkscrew for example. :(

We need more hints from the team, I'm thinking some know far more than they are letting on lol! :p
I wouldn't mind some on ride audio. Do we have any coasters in the UK that do that?
This is going to be one intense coaster thats for sure, I just hope it wont be uncomfortable given how uncomfortable other instense Eurofighters have been else its re-ride factor is going to be poor.

I also totally debunk the washing machine element, it aint gonna happen.

Just had a thought - what if the artwork is false, what if the seats are not sit down but stand up - the worlds first stand up rollercoaster with a beyond vertical drop? Unless thats been done before of course....
the only truly uncomfortable Euro-fighter is Saw and rumour has it that is due to parts of the site shifting after construction. Hopefully this shouldn't be too painful.

I think stand-up coasters have gone out of fashion with B&M stopping making them and no-one else really offering the experience.
I'm know no more than anyone else on here.

Given several team members have dropped hints, the lack of any hardware on site, TowersTimes removing all traces of the 'washing machine' element on their site... I am certain myself that there will be no 'washing machine' or secret element. :)

I think it's pretty obvious by now that it's not happening. :p
There's always been an air of uncertainty surrounding the supposed 'washing machine' element, I for one have never believed it to be true, but I think the fact that TowersTimes have removed all traces of it from their site (and they were the biggest supporters of this idea) pretty much confirms that we definitely won't be seeing it.

I think that if there is any sort of secret element, it will just be a special pre-show, after the barrel roll and just before the first lift.
Dave said:
the only truly uncomfortable Euro-fighter is Saw and rumour has it that is due to parts of the site shifting after construction. Hopefully this shouldn't be too painful.

I think stand-up coasters have gone out of fashion with B&M stopping making them and no-one else really offering the experience.

That's an interesting theory and more than possible given the sites previous function.
I find it more hard to believe that a company that is trying to make a name for it's self as a premier ride manufacturer would so openly disclose such sensitive information. That is probably contractually confidential.
It'll be floorless cars, or some wacky thing Towers have come up with. Hopefully it's something quite unique and interesting, which will take enthusiasts by storm.
Again bringing client confidentiality into it it's a real big thing these days and not just for Merlin. This can be for any company of any ideas they have or are putting into prospect.

However as this is Merlin each and every employee HAS to sign a confidentiality contract agreeing that you will not leak any information about the plans that are currently in process. This can go as far as midway for SEA LIFE. It really is a serious thing and to right too!

As someone said its very unlikely someone high from Gerst contacted you as they're quite busy not only with this project at Towers but probably else where aswell. I'm not saying that its fake, I am however saying its highly unlikely that Gerst would respond that quick and also asking you to wait for them to respond properly?
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