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[The Smiler] Construction Updates and Ride Speculation

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OK Can we get back onto topic now please rather than having this petty argument? If you wish to give an opinion on something, please do not try and insinuate it as fact :).

Edit: I've removed quite a few posts from recent discussion as ultimately it ended up having no bearing on the discussion in this topic whatsoever :)
I like how the last couple of pages don't make sense anymore :p - EDIT: It makes sense now as they've been deleted :p

In my opinion it's perfectly plausible that maybe Gerst don't have the technology to create a particular world's first element, so they've gone for something a bit more low key, like the inversion record.
I really doubt its the inversion record, i remember seeing a Q&A session with john wardley on youtube and he specifically said Alton towers don't like doing pointless world firsts like worlds highest or most inversions because next year someone could just make a coaster higher than theirs or have more inversions.
Alton's older policies are somewhat outdated. Nowadays, an inversion record is likely to bring more profit, and therefore very conceivable.
Joshysqaushy said:
I really doubt its the inversion record, i remember seeing a Q&A session with john wardley on youtube and he specifically said Alton towers don't like doing pointless world firsts like worlds highest or most inversions because next year someone could just make a coaster higher than theirs or have more inversions.

Your not wrong about that as he has said such things in the past, one potential mitigating factor is the very strong rumour that the coaster being built is a last minute replacement for the original plan which was a B&M around the car-park near Air. If they have had to do a last-minute project due to the technology not being ready for the B&M then they may have taken the inversion-count as an easy alternative.

It also fixes a strong criticism (and probably a true one) that Towers lacks coasters with any length and substance. With a lot of their rides being quite short and depending on a gimmick.
Also Oblivion is a prime example of worlds first, even though Sheikra was after Oblivion technically Oblivion was still the worlds first vertical drop roller coaster and as we all know was the first to be built SO.. technically in a way it should still hold the crown! And if THE SMILER holds the record for the most inversions it should hold that title as being ''the first'' roller coaster to brake the boundary's of x many inversions.
Snorlix said:
Also Oblivion is a prime example of worlds first, even though Sheikra was after Oblivion technically Oblivion was still the worlds first vertical drop roller coaster and as we all know was the first to be built SO.. technically in a way it should still hold the crown! And if THE SMILER holds the record for the most inversions it should hold that title as being ''the first'' roller coaster to brake the boundary's of x many inversions.

You took the words straight out of my mouth there :) completely agree, after all Colossus is still regarded as the world's first 10 looping coaster, even though there is a clone of it now.
There is no washing machine, simples

TTF bragged about it to get people onto the site. Hence the covered pictures. Since they have been outed all has gone quiet on this element now
Because the snow has eased off now (in my area anyway) wouldn't it be wise to get the complete station structure up including roof and walls and then potential put a train inside or something? This way they can start on themeing and electrical stuff too. Looking at the latest picture I'd say that the bottom end of construction is near enough complete now. It's just the top half by the toilets but im sure they've got it all under control now :)
To be fair with the may opening time they have plenty of time to complete. I reckon track will be up by mid march with extra theming and testing throughout April.

Got my MAPP on Wednesday from Warwick so all set for open season! Massive OT I know so apologies but is Nemesis open feb half term?
Alton Have posted of picture of the Cobra Roll from a never before seen angle (At least as far as I'm aware)


Looks good to me! =)
I am still in two minds about this whole ride.

The concept itself is chilling; the idea of being manipulated, forced into taking pleasure out of something you do not wish to is very striking, even on an intuitive wavelength. I love the idea that you will smile; the connotations that surround this notion extend into every direction from war, to rebellion, even on some very deep subconscious level, perversion.

But the way that this very intimidating, very controlling ride has been named is not fitting. 'The Smiler' is not sinister enough. Some people like it because of the irony that the terror won't make you smile, it will frighten you, and I agree that Alton are on the right tracks... but the name lacks substance and isn't chilling.

'Nemesis' - an arch-enemy, it feels unbeatable and like a force that you are against. 'Oblivion' - a word that is a place, a place of which you know very little apart from that you don't want to go there. 'The Smiler' - hm... For a name so explicit, so much is left for us to work out ourselves. The use of the definite article would imply that the ride is doing the smiling, or is a machine to make riders smile? Is the ride smiling at our terror, as if mocking us? Or are we smiling at the ride for it entertaining us? It is not shrouded in mystery, it is shrouded in muddy confusion. 'Delirium' would've been perfect. A state of being. Sounds sinister. Casts a dark shadow over the ride from the outset.

People worried that the public will perceive this as a kiddie ride have nothing to fear; the public are not idiots. The dark marketing of this will make sure that the ride is seen as scary. I don't know. Yes, it does the job and I suppose it could be worse, but I feel like it's just laziness. The public will just end up wondering who's supposed to be smiling and how this could tie in with a giant spider-like robot covered in smiles. Sure, Oblivion isn't clear in meaning, but if it was, where would the fear come from? The purpose of the ride is centred around the mystery of what goes on in that hole. I guess my point is that if you're going to be specific, you have to be really specific, or else you're better just creating an atmosphere...

Sorry to ramble, but I just felt it better to put my points down in words, albeit admittedly they are a bit jumbled... :p
I disagree that ambiguity is a bad thing in a rides name, these days people like a bit of a puzzler. Noone ever will see the name without the logo too which suggests the sinister theme.

Essentially if your of the sort to care about the name, the marketing style tells you everything you need to know and for the rest you could have called in Cindy the Grinning gerbil and they won't care because it goes upside down "innit"
Eddie said:
Alton Have posted of picture of the Cobra Roll from a never before seen angle (At least as far as I'm aware)


Looks good to me! =)
It looks brilliant actually can't wait till opening day
Whist I can understand that name The Smiler will split opinions - I think people should give the public a bit more credit. The Smiler will be surrounded by imagery (logo etc) which will instantly set the ride apart from kidz rides. The concept is pretty sophisticated and original and I do think that AT have pushed the boundaries for coaster marketing/themeing (lets hoe it looks good on the ground too). I would have been very underwhelmed if it had been called something obvious like 'Psychosis'. Come on, AT are doing the industry a favour here! :D :D
Just rang to see if I book a hotel room for May can I change it when there's a date and pay half this month. I was told that The Smiler is scheduled to open the 28th May according to a new Email sent out this morning. There will be previews in April they said also.

Take this as you will, it's obviously not set in stone as reservations often get things wrong.

I must add that the person I spoke to after waiting 20mins to get through ::) said that they hoped "That The Smiler is everything I hope it to be" and it was a very special ride for Alton. Which was nice ;D
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