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[The Smiler] Construction Updates and Ride Speculation

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adsyrah said:
Don't know if it's my eyes filling in the blanks wrong, but I'm just seeing the end of the inversion rumoured.

I've created a quick pic to illustrate what I mean:


I see this too, I think everyone else is reading too far in to this.
Alton are dubbing it as another ''Worlds First'' again. Even if it is a gimmick I can't wait to ride this thing!
Quickly did this to illustrate the rails and in my opinion strengthening the idea that a barrel roll is there.


If you look at the picture on the left you can make out ever so slightly the snow on the track which I have shown on the right image. If you flick your eyes from the right to the left image you will see it. Now from the other end we have seen the track make a downward left turn and go even more banked which the only thing it could really do it complete a barrel roll and level out on the straight track above.

The only problem I have, is the lack of brake fins on that current straight track. If there is to be a secret element after the barrel roll then they are running out of space to brake the train in time, have room for a washing machine element and also fit the lift before you reach the concrete slabs that have been constructed to keep the wall back at which the 1st lift hill will travel above.
From construction so far, I've drawn the same conclusions as others that this inversion leads into the straight track in the channel. So far, that is only a very short piece of the straight track, and would no doubt need some run off before it hit any sort of brakes anyway. The inversion (if there's only one!) would also be a little earlier than the image adsyrah has done above too, so there's a little run off in the corner too. Pictures so far seem to show the inversion as the track rises out of the pit so this would make sense.

I have any sort of "washing machine element" written off as it is anyway, and I'm guessing an inversion record rather than anything else. The straight track could potentially be some sort of show element during the ride, maybe with lighting and AV stuff going on. That would make an interesting section being plunged into that after that inversion. That said, that would make things different to the plans at that side.

At the stage construction is at though, there are simply way too many possibilities. To put it simply, we really need to see more track to really make a judgement on this one!
Think Alton would be pretty annoyed if someone placed an order with someone for some 15 looping coaster and managed to get it built before them, if AT are going to the inversion record. Pretty certain you could manufacture and install a new coaster on a bit of flat land within two months :p
*Still hoping that the first lift hill turns out to be launched a la Maverick*

Mainly cos Gerstlauer launches <3

That wouldn't be a bad start, curvy drop, barrell roll, then BAM, launched up and out the building (with some themed build up as well obviously)...
Benzin said:
*Still hoping that the first lift hill turns out to be launched a la Maverick*

Mainly cos Gerstlauer launches <3

That wouldn't be a bad start, curvy drop, barrell roll, then BAM, launched up and out the building (with some themed build up as well obviously)...
That would be awesome !!
I'm struggling to see how there is any room in that small bit of space for an inversion and the required clearance around it....
Tom said:
The track you are trying to connect is the return-to-station track.

Proof? Looks like its down in the alley bit to me - also its not inline with the station unless you are trying to say that the piece has yet to be put into place?
mrvardermier123 said:
Benzin said:
*Still hoping that the first lift hill turns out to be launched a la Maverick*

Mainly cos Gerstlauer launches <3

Is there any chance of a launch/boost? Has this been ruled out?

It's not been ruled out no, nothing has really been said or heard regarding a possible launch. I'd imagine the best thing for now is to assume that there won't be one and they we will have two chain lifts. Then if we get any form of launch it can be seen as a bonus. I'd love there to be a launch somewhere in the ride!

This ride is perfectly safe. Everything has been designed by a bloke who is retiring so doesn't care if you die. Have fun ;)

(I say this in jest)
ThemeParkJack said:
Too be honest i don't really think they will be a launched lift hill. :eek:

I'd put money on there being a launch of some sort, be it on a lift hill or before one. It isn't in Gerst's style or in the style of a Eurofighter to just have a standard lift hill that isn't vertical. I don't think this first lift hill will be at all like the plans :)
Would I be right in thinking that an LSM lift would allow greater control over any duelling trains? Ride sensors and computer systems being able to adjust the speed and position of the train more accurately. It seems a more flexible system than a chain lift and flexibility would probably be very handy to keep the trains matching up nicely.

I'm expecting a chain lift tbh, but the thought of the Maverick lift system does seem to make sense applied to this ride.
Changing the subject slightly, but I was thinking today while looking at the Smiler website that the gif image in the corner is very similar to the Oblivion station video.

I would love to see the same style videos for the Smiler, slowly building suspense and fear as people pass through the queue, then in the ration having something abstract like that gif, but before he train dispatches a message from Dr. Kelmn could appear.

You may say this is way to similar to Oblivion's videos but I think it would work extremely well, it remains abstract enough that the storyline isn't forced onto you but remains creepy enough to place fear in riders minds and feed them some of the story, just like Oblivion.
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