Personally I think it looks amazing!
TheMan said:It will always be clean now it has a car wash being built in it.
CoasterCrazyChris said:I doubt the needles will ever materialize....they would be lethal even if out of clearing range!
Dave said:I am really trying to decide if I have gone from a really negative member during the era of Fantagate where one of my posts was highlighted by merlin legal
Fredward said:It looks a bit busy now, but with all the track weaving around it I think it will work.
I think a naked version would look better from an aesthetic point of view. But from a riding point of view, the extra features look as if they can create quite the head choppers, and really add to the ride.
CoasterCrazyChris said:I doubt the needles will ever materialize....they would be lethal even if out of clearing range!
GaryH said:I think the spider thing looks great.....hopefully we won't be needing any tokens, lol, The Man, that made me laugh!!