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[The Smiler] Construction Updates and Ride Speculation

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Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

Crikey. Sorry I spoke. It was meant to be light hearted. The other pictures are quality ones. It was just a light hearted jest.

I shall know not to do it again. =).
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

Sorry I didn't realise I was still posting about the quality of the pictures posted in this thread.

I like the Merlin Grey. And the track just gets sexier and sexier. Can't way to see it erected.
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

It certainly is cold! I realised today how much colder it gets at Towers in relation to surrounding areas. Lots of the track in the car parks was covered in frost and the ground felt a lot harder.

Anyway, after seeing TT's latest photos and looking at other aspects of construction, here is how I think the ride will begin:

Black = supports that are currently in place
Red = station track (not yet in place)
Blue = drop into the pit (track not yet in place)
Yellow = route indoor track could take, it could either go straight back out (unlikely) or have a longer path throughout the whole pit (likely)
Green = track exit from the pit towards first lift

The final support on the left is shorter than the other three and the "plate" where it connects to the track is at an angle suggesting downhill banked track.

Also another point, the three pieces of track that were delivered on Saturday morning that we thought could be for the brake run. I am now confident that these pieces of track will be for the station and are likely to go up imminently.

And just for clarity, the photo I've used here is my own.

EDIT: I've slightly updated my diagram to make it more complete.

Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

I am liking the speculation that it right take a right hand dive into the underground section. That'd feel so much better than a standard forward drop.
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

Rob said:
And just for clarity, the photo I've used here is my own.


I should hope so, if that was one of TT's latest images, I would be very concerned for two reasons!

Firstly, they really would be VERY VERY behind if it was! Then I really would be very worried!

And secondly, I know they said they were going to fly lower once the park was closed, but I mean... This would just be taking it a step too far ;)

But yes I agree, those supports are likely for the station, though the middle two also seem to be at odd angles, which could be a slight twist to the right/getting the right banking before what is clearly set to be a very very sharp and steep dive to the left into the depths of the bunker below! :D
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

If that steep drop into the cut and cover section comes straight from the station then that will be a fantastic and surprising start to the ride! I wonder what they will try and fit into the underground bit? Presumably the trademark Gerst barrel roll but will there be more inversions?
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued


Going back to that little track piece that was seen a few days ago, could it be for the section between the transfer track and re-entering the station. Here is what I mean (I posted this back on here in February this year):


The bit in between the red and blue section leading into the station. The locking pin is to secure the transfer track in place when it is in use on the main circuit and the other bolted section bolt onto the station track.
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

So rob you mentioned that there could be an inversion early and that we could be seeing it indoors as they where labelled 6,7,8 thing is I doubt there would be tri-track indoors (lack of space!).

Maybe track piece numbers start/end depending on track type. For example:

Station pieces 1-?
Bi-track pieces labelled 1-??
Tri-track pieces labelled 1-???
Brake section labelled 1-??

Hope I'm making some sense!!
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

Smaller, lower speed inversions are done on normal track on this design.
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

Rob shall we hire you a genie lift for Christmas?
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

Could someone be kind enough too send me a email with the construction pictures from last night. Due too Towers Times blocking me from creating accounts due to me being diactivated for a while. My email is <removed>
Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

ThemeParkJack said:
Could someone be kind enough too send me a email with the construction pictures from last night. Due too Towers Times blocking me from creating accounts due to me being diactivated for a while. My email is <removed>
I suggest you contact TowersTimes directly in order to find a way to see their photo updates when they are posted as they have very clear rules about the sharing and distribution of their photos. I believe they go public a day or so after being uploaded anyway :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.
Re: Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

Tom said:
Smaller, lower speed inversions are done on normal track on this design.

You can't be sure, this is a new design with larger trains. Larger trains mean heavier trains, which in turn means more strain on the track.

There's a possibility that because of the new trains the slower inversions may need tri-rail track.

It depends though, none of us know the specifics and mass of the train and the force inflicted on the track.

This is a new design! Therefore you can't be sure how it is constructed.

Sent from my phone using Tapatalk, please excuse any ridiculous mistakes!
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

I was at first expecting the indoor section to compose entirely of bi-rail track initially. However so far there have been very few pieces of b-rail track delivered, I recall seeing two pieces of it which have now both been moved to the construction site. So unless there is still a fair amount of track to be delivered, and we know there is still stuff to be delivered as we currently have no lift hill track, then it suggests the indoor section will use tri-track.

Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

I have only seen one piece of bi rail and that is the piece that was moved to the site on Saturday while I was there (pictures on TowersStreet facebook page). And of course the break bits (if they are classed as bi-rail). Every other bit I have seen is the tri-rail.
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

RideRater have tweeted that Towers will potentially be revealing more details about SW7 - including the name of the ride - before the end of the year. To be honest, I'm not at all surprised by this rumour, but it'll be intriguing to see what information Towers will - if any - release.
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

Jonathan said:
RideRater have tweeted that Towers will potentially be revealing more details about SW7 - including the name of the ride - before the end of the year. To be honest, I'm not at all surprised by this rumour, but it'll be intriguing to see what information Towers will - if any - release.

They really need to release the name soon, otherwise people will begin to think that the ride's actually called SW7. Thirteen's name was revealed today 2 years ago unless I'm mistaken? Should be a similar time with this, even if just for marketing purposes.
Re: Secret Weapon 7 Discussion Continued

There were rumours that Alton Towers intend to do no marketing for SW7 till January...

It would be nice to have them do something before Christmas though, it's been so quiet the past few months.
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