And there is the core of this thread, The unknown. The Past, and The hope.
We really don't know how far, TLC will go. What the budget is per year, what is planned over the life of TLCs.
We look at the Past and how budgets unwittingly caused the slip in the standard of the park.
We look with Hope at what can be, The return to the theming standards of the Golden time of the park.
There are Items on the park that have to be there due to Health and Safety assessment Requirements, By being creative with them, blending or theming them to the park would be the work that TLC needs to be.
How they Restoring Theming back to it opening glory, is one thing we all worry about.
I do wonder why Towers keep interaction with enthusiasts low in respect of asking for our thoughts on things. As we have some good thoughts on theming additions
e.g. We have to keep the protection under Rita's launch section, we have some ideas on what to do with it. Apart from removing it completely what you like to see done?