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X-Sector Developments (Including Oblivion)

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I'm fairly certain Oblivion will be open at the start of the season. They'll just about be able to get people in and out of X-Sector as Rollercoasters4Life has shown above. I'm not quite as confident that Submission and Enterprise will open at the start of the season though. I just don't think they can go 5-7 weeks potentially with a major ride like Blivvy closed, especially during the Easter holidays.

Of course X-Sector/Oblivion will be open at the start of the season - they want as many people as possible who come in April or March to see it and come back and visit in May!
Yeah that's another thing, people going to come to the park at the start of the season and ride Oblivion. Whilst riding they will see a massive new coaster, probably with promotional banners around the place stating "opening May 2013" or something like that. People will want to return to ride it.

I can't remember if I mentioned this before but in theory they could go back to exactly the same construction walls we saw all of last year.

By March the track should be complete and the trains in testing. This means that the spider thing will already be in place along with anything else that requires heavy lifting. So they could concentrate all their attention on finishing everything around the edge of the site. Come opening all that's left to do is finish testing the ride (the biggest issue is the hours of testing it needs) and work on anything left over such as the queue, building interiors, landscaping details; All of which can be done within the small site they had before.

I believe this is how they manage a lot of the projects at year round parks such as Disney but obviously there may be restrictions I don't know about.
There is no way Oblivion won't open on March 16. It is one of the parks headline attractions.

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There's still just under 2 months till the park opens, so I'm sure track will have been finished and I'm thinking the area will be mostly open. Likely the only things that won't be finished on Smiler will be the queue line, testing, and any other cosmetic touches.
I still think that if the smiler isn't at that stage, X-sector may be shut off
Or just oblivion open, so lets hope oblivious refurb is done for the start of the season
X sector will be open without a doubt, it's great advertising for when the smiler opens

In this image from Tatenhill Aviation's facebook (and the construction topic), it seems like they are using both sides of the Fried Chicken building for moving around the site. Maybe the main entrance way isn't wide enough for the cranes?

If that is the case, I can't see any way to get X-sector open if they still need to move large items or vehicles around the site.
I would imagine much like construction during open season last year that site vehicles would be moved on/off site before the park opens rather than use it as part of the live site as it is now.

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Towers know that not opening their new attraction until May might cause annoyance to many guests as it is, I'm fairly sure they will do everything they can do get X-Sector open as a small consolation. Closing the whole area would make a bad situation worse.

Plus, they've already hired staff for the rides in that area of the park - they'd effectively be putting people out of work for a month or two.
Does anybody know anything concerning a new shop for The Smiler? Not like Merlin to scrimp on upsell opportunities, but for some reason I can't remember one in the plans. I have to admit, I've pretty much ruled out the plan for a glass shop above the track...
It would be a disaster if X Sector was cordoned off during construction, but I do think its possible they could operate reduced opening times/days for the area
NastyPasty said:
Does anybody know anything concerning a new shop for The Smiler? Not like Merlin to scrimp on upsell opportunities, but for some reason I can't remember one in the plans. I have to admit, I've pretty much ruled out the plan for a glass shop above the track...

The retail shop and on-ride photo point are contained inside the building :)
Probably cleared around FC so the people who service all the stuff in there have access. Also it is a good space to park stuff out of the way.

There really is that many mistakes in my posts?! Damn this Tapatalk milarky! :)
siralgenon said:
NastyPasty said:
Does anybody know anything concerning a new shop for The Smiler? Not like Merlin to scrimp on upsell opportunities, but for some reason I can't remember one in the plans. I have to admit, I've pretty much ruled out the plan for a glass shop above the track...

The retail shop and on-ride photo point are contained inside the building :)
It's going to be much like the Air shop. Or at least, it was on the planning documents. Now that the knot elements have been lowered, there doesn't seem to be as much room, so I'm not sure if it will still fit.
There is a shop, recent arial photos have shown the semi-circular structure going up for it.

As for X-Sector opening I can see Ents and Subs been closed until May but they will open Oblivion. Though by March I would imagine most major construction will be done and it will be theming and minor works through march/ April, then probably a soft launch late April. So they may be able to open the whole of X-Sector.
I hope the snow hasn't delayed the Oblivion re-paint, we don't want that opening late aswell...
Dave said:
There is a shop, recent arial photos have shown the semi-circular structure going up for it.

As for X-Sector opening I can see Ents and Subs been closed until May but they will open Oblivion. Though by March I would imagine most major construction will be done and it will be theming and minor works through march/ April, then probably a soft launch late April. So they may be able to open the whole of X-Sector.
I must not have seen the latest photos. That's great news if it's still happening.
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