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2014: Arthur in the Minimoys kingdom

Info Centre: Construction Update (26.1.14)


This appears a lot larger than first anticipated:



No news on Arthur this weekend.

The entrance gate to the Spanish area (from Austria, i.e. Vienna Waveswinger) is being refurbished. :)

Photo from chris-space
Although not known if this will match the final design, here's some concept art for the loading station of Arthur.


From eprust.com
Am I right in thinking there was talk of this loading like an omnimover? (Trains never stop moving and one train follows another). If that's the case, I wonder if they will use a Merlin style bag store to speed up loading?
DiogoJ42 said:
Am I right in thinking there was talk of this loading like an omnimover? (Trains never stop moving and one train follows another). If that's the case, I wonder if they will use a Merlin style bag store to speed up loading?

It does have conveyor loading. No idea on baggage systems!
Hotel Castillo Alcazar gets some work done to the exterior.


I mean, I think I speak for us all when I say thank GOD. That place was such a DUMP. :mad:
Just catching up on the topic.

I "miss Germany" and I have never been ;D

Mainly though, that camera video? Wow. That place looks something else at night, it's like a classy Blackpool (in terms of how well lit and atmospheric it looks) - and that big wheel sent me all romantic!! I'm not actually joking either, it's really beautiful, and I HATE big wheels but that actually made me want to ride it.

Stunning, at night, just wow - rare you get that sense of awe from a video, cannot begin to imagine just how utterly incredible it is in person.

This isn't Merlin bashing for the sake of it, but genuinely, they do not have a prayer of getting anywhere near that, no wonder so many of you laud this place so highly. It is a Mack playground of imagination and free spirited thinking.

That is one seriously talented management team.

Magical truly magical, I really hope I get to visit and get on all those rides someday!
It's not a coincidence that in general the people who still think the sun shines out of Merlin's bottom are the people who haven't been outside the UK and seen what a good company can do. ;)
Sam said:
Hotel Castillo Alcazar gets some work done to the exterior.


I mean, I think I speak for us all when I say thank GOD. That place was such a DUMP. :mad:

If that scaffolding isn't gone in 3 months time... I will NOT be happy!

(Not that I think even for a second that is wont be! This is EP we're talking about)
DiogoJ42 said:
It's not a coincidence that in general the people who still think the sun shines out of Merlin's bottom are the people who haven't been outside the UK and seen what a good company can do. ;)

Doesn't take a genius to realise that Merlin are the parasites of the theme park industry though, does it? ;)
Must ask! I genuine thought for the second that this roller-coaster would be OTSR, but I guess I'm wrong, by the concept art, that for some reason I only just saw. So, is Europa Park, the only major theme park without OTSR's or is it just me?
I believe I heard that Roland Mack has a deep hatred of OTSRs, which is why they developed what I like to call OHLRs (Over Head Lap Restraints) for Blue Fire, and now this. As far as I know, no Mack ride has ever had OTSRs.

I'm sure there must be plenty of "family" (read: "kiddy") parks that don't have OTSRs though.
It's a shame we haven't got a Mack coaster in the UK. Alton or Thorpe should look into building one. *hopes and dreams*