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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

I feel like this is similar to air, airs theming was cut due to budget, it is a really good ride but it just lacked an identity as can be seen by the retheme and current speculation about another retheme.
I feel like this is similar to air, airs theming was cut due to budget, it is a really good ride but it just lacked an identity as can be seen by the retheme and current speculation about another retheme.
But it was cut because the budget was spent on unexpected technical costs due to it being a prototype and brand new technology, so its fairly forgivable. Not the case for Hyperia though.
I’ve been looking forward to Hyperia ever since it was announced, not particularly bothered by the length or the theming, it is what it is and I’m sure it will be great.

But world number 1, come on. I’m sure I love it but if I come off it preferring it to Velocicoaster or Iron Gwazi which are my 2 favourites I’d be stunned.
That's the thing, in a Theme Park the experience is more than just the ride itself. Visuals, audio, area ambience all contribute.
Thorpe is an amusement park though, it isn’t trying to be towers or chessington

I get that people had high expectations for hyperia to be well themed or look more stylised, but at the end of the day, the rides main purpose is the ride elements and experience, not theming, like saw, nemesis, swarm, wicker man etc. which are more about the immersion

Sure nemesis inferno has the volcano but the actual station is also just a shed painted red,
For the average punter the fact it's the tallest in the UK will be enough to sell the ride. It's been well documented that Hyperia came before recent leadership changes and the budget just wasn't there for theming.

Reading some of the comments on X it seems Thorpe are onto a winner. It's a shame people at the press event couldn't film on ride, would have loved to see some live reactions
The opening ceremony even has illuminated planes!

On the theming piece, I'm not as bothered as others regarding lack of theming (and I love theming) probably because I associate coasters of this size more with stylised concepts than immersion... to those of you who are disappointed with the final look, what are some key features you'd have liked to have seen in the station/area?
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The only one I've heard say world number 1 is Jack Silkstone but even he admitted he has a very biased opinion from the fact he's been there and documented the whole thing.

Lift hills and thrills seemed pretty honest in his video, didn't give them really any big ups for the theming but seemed blown away from the ride experience and in all fairness the ride looks like a 'element for element' beast by the looks its not got the length of DC Rivals but all killer no filler seems fitting.
For the average punter the fact it's the tallest in the UK will be enough to sell the ride. It's been well documented that Hyperia came before recent leadership changes and the budget just wasn't there for theming.

Reading some of the comments on X it seems Thorpe are onto a winner. It's a shame people at the press event couldn't film on ride, would have loved to see some live reactions

The BBC One Show link posted above contains on ride footage of reactions.
For the average punter the fact it's the tallest in the UK will be enough to sell the ride. It's been well documented that Hyperia came before recent leadership changes and the budget just wasn't there for theming.

Reading some of the comments on X it seems Thorpe are onto a winner. It's a shame people at the press event couldn't film on ride, would have loved to see some live reactions
If new merlin were so adamant about change and a new direction they surely could have pumped some capex into this, at least for landscaping/presentation. I understand it’s easier said than done shifting huge chunks of money like that but they are private after all? I’m a little in over my head on this so if anyone knows more please explain, it just seems odd they didn’t at least try and get their hands on it more after the change in management.
If new merlin were so adamant about change and a new direction they surely could have pumped some capex into this, at least for landscaping/presentation. I understand it’s easier said than done shifting huge chunks of money like that but they are private after all? I’m a little in over my head on this so if anyone knows more please explain, it just seems odd they didn’t at least try and get their hands on it more after the change in management.
They actually did give them extra cash for this, that's the big head scratcher!
Thorpe is an amusement park though, it isn’t trying to be towers or chessington

They don't class themselves as an amusement park though, they quite proudly call themselves a theme park in all marketing and communications.

And they charge similar to Towers and Chessington, so why would you expect less of what they claim to be selling - themed attractions and experiences?