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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

I've not yet...should be whipping in for our first go next month on our way back from paultons.

We then have more time to ride it again in September when we go back for the whole park as part of our autumn visits
Trying to get last train of the day has been a thing for as long as I can remember. I can sort of see the point when it's last day of the season or on a ride that's closing but on any random day it just seems so banal.
Back in the 90's, last ride of the day on Rameses Revenge would play all the different programs back-to-back. Now that was worth trying to bag!
I can understand heading there at the end of the day, as queuing after park close doesn't count against ride time and it should be running better, but last train fixation is just odd. As @DiogoJ42 mentioned, some fixed cycle rides may put on a fun last cycle or change operating mode (6 laps on RMT says hello) but on something like Hyperia you're unlikely to get much if anything
Yeah if there's some actual tangible benefit then fair enough (unless you're literally fighting other people for it, play nice).

I'm more likely to try to time joining the queue that I'll have a chance of a re-ride. I'll always take an outside chance of 2 rides over a guaranteed ride on the final train of the day.
On any occasion I’ve ended up on the last train of the day (rmt excluded) I’ve never had an extra lap. Restraints open and you exit.

Any tangible benefit must be rare, so is it bragging rights?

Maybe creds should have tiers.

Bronze cred: Standard ride
Silver cred: FTOTD or LTOTD
Gold cred: Ride outside of operating hours
Platinum cred: Ride while SBNO
I got on the first train of the day on Rita once, but I've never felt compelled to actively go for the last train of the day. I don't really get what the benefit of being on the first or last train specifically is, personally.

I'd aim for first train of the day because it gets me on a ride quicker, but anywhere in the first few trains has a similar effect, and I don't get why you'd specifically benefit from being on the last train of the day to the extent where you'd go to great lengths to get on it.
On any occasion I’ve ended up on the last train of the day (rmt excluded) I’ve never had an extra lap. Restraints open and you exit.

Any tangible benefit must be rare, so is it bragging rights?

Maybe creds should have tiers.

Bronze cred: Standard ride
Silver cred: FTOTD or LTOTD
Gold cred: Ride outside of operating hours
Platinum cred: Ride while SBNO
Free rerides isn't a thing at Towers and hasn't been for a good long while. It does seem to be something you can get at Thorpe, however, if you time it correctly. I managed three back to back rides on Nemesis Inferno the evening of England's first group game last month as they were allowing riders to stay on the train if the airgates for that row were empty. I've had the same on Mandrill Mayhem at Chessy as well as they've been running off the queue.
Been on the last train of the day numerous times at numerous Merlin parks. But not through trying, I always make the use of the end of the day to get as many rides in as possible whilst the most of the rest of the suckers head for the exit. If it's some sort of weirdo thing though, that's sad. I couldn't give a toss as long as I get as many rides in as possible.

That said, I did get a second lap on the last train of Swarm 2 years ago. They asked if we wanted to stay on, everyone who didn't got off and we went round again. A few years ago at Fright Nights I got the last train on Stealth. Staff at the platform told me not to get off, a load of staff got on and we went round twice more. Had it at Paultons as well. I never expected it though, it's very rare, it's genuinely just because I'm usually in the last queue of the day a minute or so before close to get my money's worth.
On any occasion I’ve ended up on the last train of the day (rmt excluded) I’ve never had an extra lap. Restraints open and you exit.

Any tangible benefit must be rare, so is it bragging rights?

Maybe creds should have tiers.

Bronze cred: Standard ride
Silver cred: FTOTD or LTOTD
Gold cred: Ride outside of operating hours
Platinum cred: Ride while SBNO
I normally aim for a ride after the queue closes, but normally I don't aim for the last train and there are 2 reasons, first is making the most of my day (this one is quite easy to get as most people will want to get on the most rides possible)
but also the traffic leaving the park, I will normally aim to be close to the end partially because (normally) when the park closes the queue to leave the carpark can be staggering (especially on busy days) I have waited for 30+ mins to get to the barrier on busy days, so my normal routine is to get in a ride queue close to closing and then after slowly walk my way to the entrance then carpark, because that 30 mins can make a big difference in terms of traffic with my experience.
That said, I did get a second lap on the last train of Swarm 2 years ago. They asked if we wanted to stay on, everyone who didn't got off and we went round again. A few years ago at Fright Nights I got the last train on Stealth. Staff at the platform told me not to get off, a load of staff got on and we went round twice more
I had something similar, with 13 it is very common for the second to last train most people to be asked to wait in there (since the trims the train either has to be empty or mostly full), but I have also had it with stealth with them empting out the front row queue, (had like 8 re-rides in a row because of it)

sorry for the double post, I can't figure out how to add a quote in the edit
Been on the last train of the day numerous times at numerous Merlin parks. But not through trying, I always make the use of the end of the day to get as many rides in as possible whilst the most of the rest of the suckers head for the exit. If it's some sort of weirdo thing though, that's sad. I couldn't give a toss as long as I get as many rides in as possible.

No one has said its a weird thing unless you are deliberately loitering around the exit letting people go through then kicking off at a random group over it. Especially in the middle of the season.

Last day of the season? Fine. In July? Nah.
There are definite perks to being the first/last train of the day. Back in April in Phantasialand they opened up the SRQ at the same time as the main queue. By the time I’d made it around the queue line and into the front row line, the first train was already dispatching with ONE woman on the train in the front row!
I got on the first train of the day on Rita once, but I've never felt compelled to actively go for the last train of the day. I don't really get what the benefit of being on the first or last train specifically is, personally.

I'd aim for first train of the day because it gets me on a ride quicker, but anywhere in the first few trains has a similar effect, and I don't get why you'd specifically benefit from being on the last train of the day to the extent where you'd go to great lengths to get on it.

Probably so you can YouTube it with a thumbnail

‘I got on the last ride of the day and THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED’
On any occasion I’ve ended up on the last train of the day (rmt excluded) I’ve never had an extra lap. Restraints open and you exit.

Any tangible benefit must be rare, so is it bragging rights?

Maybe creds should have tiers.

Bronze cred: Standard ride
Silver cred: FTOTD or LTOTD
Gold cred: Ride outside of operating hours
Platinum cred: Ride while SBNO
I started reading this and thought "SBNO cred, surely that isn't a thing, they'd have to repair and recertifi a ride just for one ride". Then I realised, I've literally got one of those creds!
When building a new park it's quite common to install the rides early, then mothball them (like SBNO, except they usually do run them periodically). Just look at Epic Universe, in which all the coasters have already been tested over a year before opening.
And for me that would be the obersvation tower at LLK, 4 months before it would actually open:
I even asked on here to have the park added so I could record it.
I'm not someone to seek the last or first ride of the day as it's not really something that has much benefit.

One time I can remember of recent memory of getting a last ride is riding the last ride on Voltron on the first day of my recent trip there.

I think it's crazy that people are so keen to get that on Hyperia 😮
Well then back to Hyperia. I get it if you're wanting the chance to re-ride, but otherwise no idea. Stupidly asked if it was OK for my son to re-ride Air at AT and was told "no" as he closed the empty seat. WTF. Benefits no-one. He should of just sat in the seat and closed the harness, but we're British and nice and so kindly asked.

If you don't have a SRL and the seat is free - give the gift!