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Hex: The Future

Really great video. Really well done. Very excited to see this legendary ride back. I am more than happy to wait a little bit longer because it is clear they are looking towards and for the long term. Not just sticking a short term band aid.

I can't wait to hear one of the world's best sound tracks and narration story through a brand new reworked sound system.

Clearly it was closed to save costs as was alluded too earlier this week on this site. 🧐🙄🙄..not

Go Bianca and the excellent teams at the park!!

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With Curse, Nemesis and dare I be premature Hex all restored to their former glory or even better, it’ll be great to see what the team can do with brand new attractions, rather than just doing emergency life-saving heart surgery on long standing attractions.

Ocean will be the first sight of this with hopefully many more to come.
Great video very insightful into what they've been doing behind the scenes, most of the upgrades look great however the new spark effects for the generator seem really lazy as the sparks aren't even coming out of the generator now and is now a visible black box in front of it, i preferred the more subtle old effect and maybe this is something they can fix before it reopens. the disco looking lighting in the queue when they change colours is uhm.. interesting ill say, on a more positive note the octagon looks fantastic and im very excited to get back on the best madhouse in the country and world!
The good:
New AV system
Speakers have been replaced (hopefully in the vault)
Remastered Hex soundtrack
New haze machine
The mechanical repairs to the vault
No more CRT CCTV
Using BS as a “enthusiasts only” news source

The (remains to be seen):
The cinema room projector (a travesty if this isn’t replaced)
The queue line brightness
Only one door out of the armoury
Whatever’s been done to the vault…
(I’ve got a funny feeling there will be staff in the Octagon)

The bad:
Earls painting seems to have been removed?
They’ve spelt “Gallary” wrong on the HMI
Sparks shooting out the floor for the generator…looks like something from Gladiators
The good:
New AV system
Speakers have been replaced (hopefully in the vault)
Remastered Hex soundtrack
New haze machine
The mechanical repairs to the vault
No more CRT CCTV
Using BS as a “enthusiasts only” news source

The (remains to be seen):
The cinema room projector (a travesty if this isn’t replaced)
The queue line brightness
Only one door out of the armoury
Whatever’s been done to the vault…
(I’ve got a funny feeling there will be staff in the Octagon)

The bad:
Earls painting seems to have been removed?
They’ve spelt “Gallary” wrong on the HMI
Sparks shooting out the floor for the generator…looks like something from Gladiators
As per my posts further up the thread, it looks like the doors into the cinema have been brought forward into the original batching area, so I'm wondering if the painting has been moved in there and the initial intro where the painting is lit up is now played in the cinema room directly before the film starts. Would make sense as last time I rode it barely anyone paid attention to that bit. Most were still on their phones.
As per my posts further up the thread, it looks like the doors into the cinema have been brought forward into the original batching area, so I'm wondering if the painting has been moved in there and the initial intro where the painting is lit up is now played in the cinema room directly before the film starts. Would make sense as last time I rode it barely anyone paid attention to that bit. Most were still on their phones.
I'm pretty sure that's a new door and the cinema ones are in their usual place. All they've done is remove the turnstile and put a wall and door in its place to fully enclose the introduction area.
On off peak days you'd often miss some of the first show anyway as they'd start it and let people keep going through the turnstile as long as there was still space. At really quiet times they'd leave the cinema doors open for ages and you'd be stood around waiting for them to start the film.

If the turnstile has gone it would also mean queuing outside is even worse than I'd feared - I had thought at off peak times you could just go straight in as before and maybe have to wait a cycle if you timed it badly. Without the turnstile they HAVE to hold people outside until the previous group is let into the first preshow. In effect you could only ever go straight in if the ride is running part full.

Having recently done Monster Party at LLW, the difference in queue experience between the two rides is staggering. I'm not looking forward to Hex taking inspiration from Legoland in this regard.
I think operation wise you'll be counted through the new door on quiet days and the outdoor nonsense on busy days only with an extra staff member.
It looks like they have enclosed the batching area, the indoor queue will still be there but how much they fill it is debatable as they are clearly merging main queue, ambulant and fast track at the door.

I’m not sure they understand how little queue they will get in the outdoor queue which 90% of the time is fine but on busy days is going to be way too little.
Call me cynical, but this is pure PR spin for a ride being closed for nearly two seasons, with seemingly no real explanation for another delay to its reopening. Any proper inspection of the ride should have identified the issues mentioned a long, long time ago. Trying to sell an update of the ride control system and a new smoke machine as a cover for the incompetence is pretty transparent.

It’s almost comical that Bianca mentions that it would have been easier just to have closed the doors, both because that’s what has happened to so many of the other rides and also because it must seemingly have been a considered option for Hex.

And the lighting looks, well, just ridiculous. Why retain the thoughtful and dramatic original lighting design when you can replace them with colour changing LEDs…
Call me cynical, but this is pure PR spin for a ride being closed for nearly two seasons, with seemingly no real explanation for another delay to its reopening. Any proper inspection of the ride should have identified the issues mentioned a long, long time ago. Trying to sell an update of the ride control system and a new smoke machine as a cover for the incompetence is pretty transparent.

It’s almost comical that Bianca mentions that it would have been easier just to have closed the doors, both because that’s what has happened to so many of the other rides and also because it must seemingly have been a considered option for Hex.

And the lighting looks, well, just ridiculous. Why retain the thoughtful and dramatic original lighting design when you can replace them with colour changing LEDs…

I mean they literally confirmed the thing that has been rumoured.

The slew rings where failing, and Vekoma has been working on a bespoke part to correct the issue.
They said they haven’t replaced the speakers.

But Ohm speakers are of a similar quality to Bose. They just need setting up properly.
Ah, must've misheard then sorry. Well I just hope there's bass when it reopens. I remember riding it for the first time last year and the Madhouse was really weak for me, I couldn't feel the forces and the music had no bass and was a bit quiet for me.
I guess it's proof that sometimes rumours are sometimes (not always obviously) true. The rumour back in 2022 was the slew bearings kept breaking and were being repaired on a bodge job without Vekoma, and it sounds like the video today confirms that. Vekoma obviously have been working on it, but if they had been back in 2022 when it was experiencing issues, it would've probably been resolved long before now.
Ah, must've misheard then sorry. Well I just hope there's bass when it reopens. I remember riding it for the first time last year and the Madhouse was really weak for me, I couldn't feel the forces and the music had no bass and was a bit quiet for me.

Ohh the vault speakers never changed, the issue there is the ones near the entrance side completely failed.

Hopefully they have fixed those.