For us who can only dream of getting out to the US for Ka etc its the best?? Which is easy and cheap to get to. Depends on who it compares to Stealth for me.0? Once you've done 0 - 128 mph in 3.5s on Ka, 0 - 111.9 mph in 5.0s on this isn't really going to compare favourably. I have no doubts that it will provide an excellent thrill but there are so many more exciting coasters being built out there right now. Thinking Taron, Wildfire, Lightning Rod, heck even Hulk being re-built is more exciting than this coaster!
On a scale of 1-10, how much interest is there *actually* in this coaster?
I feel it's just a damp squib. Which for Europe's tallest is, well... a shame.
Is that all?! Kingda Ka already isn't close to being the fastest accelerating coaster so that is awful really- Baco demolishes that for example.0? Once you've done 0 - 128 mph in 3.5s on Ka, 0 - 111.9 mph in 5.0s on this isn't really going to compare favourably.
A lot of interest, I mean this topic always seems pretty active, even if it is mainly with people, who are apparently experts in coaster track appearance, ridiculing the project.
Is that all?! Kingda Ka already isn't close to being the fastest accelerating coaster so that is awful really- Baco demolishes that for example.
I got bored so I've selected some coasters to do an acceleration comparison*!
So, yeahhhhh!
- Dodonpa - 26.55m/s²
- Stealth - 18.82m/s²
- Forumla Rossa - 16.66m/s²
- Kingda Ka - 16.35m/s²
- Top Thrill Dragster - 13.41m/s²
- Blue Fire - 11.10m/s²
- Rita - 10.92m/s²
- PA Ferrari Land coaster - 10.00m/s²
Think Rita, but imagine that going on for double the length of time!
*Data from RCDB, and assumes constant accelerations which may not always be the case (but gives a good idea still)
Stealth <3
10th, as @AstroDan says, is not progress.
Also, actually 11th it seems from @Alastair's post.
That's REALLY disappointing!
That does add some credence as to why Stealth feels like such a good launch.
I quite enjoy Rita's launch as well, but to be less powerful than that, my goodness!!
Nice work @Rob
iSpeed's got an acceleration rate of 12.62m/s², so that pushes the new PA launch coaster down even further.
No, to be fair, you're wrong, I delved deeper into this and found the actual cars being used!!
I will spoiler them of course.