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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-24

Would be running until about 11pm on one train but if they are to do that, they should be telling people well in advance.

Besides the point, why the hell is it on 1 train anyway? The thing is new, it’s there “new” attraction this year. Shouldn’t ever be on one train for any reason. The place is a shit show.

They can’t run it that late which is probably why the queue closed early.

But as with anything else that does not justify the situation. Have your expletive laden rides running properly by retaining tech services staff!!!!
WM clearly needs some work to the fire alarm system, considering it has had problems in the back half of this season. The park do some mental things but I doubt they pulled the alarm.
looks to be ~85sec dispatches on wm, two trains
That’s interesting if it is on two; as @Ethan said, you’d expect 3 trains if it was averaging 85s dispatches. From my personal experience, 2 trains puts the average closer to 2 minutes.

If you’ve ridden Wicker Man already, did you go straight through into the station at the end, or did you have to wait behind a train in there? If the former, it’s probably on 2, but if the latter, it’s probably on 3.
Did the journalist write the article for The Mirror, or was the offer of VIP fast passes enough to sway them to fold?

Free food, drink and hosts to rides sweetened him up so it was a fold. Merlin know what there doing hey?

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It's very easy to say you're a journalist, I very much doubt that they were. That sort of practice goes against NUJ and IPSO codes of conduct, not to mention being borderline illegal (extortion and or blackmail).

I'm more amused that the person in question thought it was a flex.

My friend does work for the mirror he is a journalist and he was going to write a story, I can provide proof if you like? I think I did in the Thorpe park group at the time actually, but I’m assuming they may have Google search him and he comes up instantly or his name on Linkin and realised it wasn’t a bluff. It’s not a threat or illegal he had no agenda but mentioned on the email he was going to write a story?

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My friend does work for the mirror he is a journalist and he was going to write a story, I can provide proof if you like? I think I did in the Thorpe park group at the time actually, but I’m assuming they may have Google search him and he comes up instantly or his name on Linkin and realised it wasn’t a bluff. It’s not a threat or illegal he had no agenda but mentioned on the email he was going to write a story?

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My slight mistake, I thought you were referring to a conversation you'd overheard in the group ahead of you.

Your friend definitely breached IPSO and NUJ acceptable standards and practices. You don't threaten to write an article about a poor customer experience you've had (conflict of interest). You certainly don't accept gratuity in exchange for not publishing it (blackmail/extortion).
My friend does work for the mirror he is a journalist and he was going to write a story, I can provide proof if you like? I think I did in the Thorpe park group at the time actually, but I’m assuming they may have Google search him and he comes up instantly or his name on Linkin and realised it wasn’t a bluff. It’s not a threat or illegal he had no agenda but mentioned on the email he was going to write a story?

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I trust he is going to write the same story he was going to write beforehand , but simply with a footnote or inclusion of context that he got a free return visit?
First post, long term silent observer.

Annual visit yesterday with silver fastrack.

Straight to Neme, first ride on Reborn. Joined queue at 09:40, on ride for 10:30. Row 7 and was definitely a weird vibration / rattling and was not smooth. Maybe nostalgia but I remember 1994 being much smoother. Only 1 train running and queue was 90 mins when we finished. I asked a member of staff why only 1, he just simply said he had no idea.

Nemesis sub terror next, just opened, queued for 10 mins. Running on reduced capacity. Staff all in character and making an effort, was good!

Galactica opened 40 mins late, we straight on with fastrack (not that anyone actually checked if we had one). Multiple trains and stations running, incredibly fast loading. Eating through the queues. Went straight back on afterwards, sat on, lifted into position - broken down! Unknown time to wait, waiting for engineers. We left.

Do you think they’ve ever attempted to clean the area before the lift hill? Filthy!

Walked past the new ride under construction. Posters say “get ready for the spin” sounds a lot like Ripsaw!

Used our Fastrack for wickerman when the queue was 140 mins. Took us about 10 mins to bag drop them they shut down for 30 mins to put another train on. Slightly annoying but I can’t Imagine how bad it was for people in the 140 min queue.

If it was an option why not start the day at capacity? Seems strange when they know how busy it will be and how long it takes to add a train.

I can only assume Neme only has one functioning train at the moment as that didn’t change all day.

In total we managed

Sub terror
Galactica x3
Curse of Alton manor

Rita / smiler still smell like a tramps arm pit! But was the fastest fastrack lines ever! 5 mins tops and the main queues were circa 120 mins for smiler. Same for oblivion, straight on.

Also, maybe I’ve never noticed this before but the timings on smiler were incredible, we were going up the lift at the same time as the other train and could talk / shout to each other, we then went so close to each other when going around the track we could nearly touch hands with people on the other train on the other section of the ride. Was great.

Overall we had a great day, purely because we spent £55 on fastracks (which is not the answer or even fair on everyone else). Without these I think I would have been very frustrated. The queues were crazy and a lot of the biggest rides opened very late or were down for large periods of time. Thirteen just didn’t open until 2pm ! Trains were not running at capacity across the park.
I trust he is going to write the same story he was going to write beforehand , but simply with a footnote or inclusion of context that he got a free return visit?

Sorry I replied to the wrong quote above

He had no agenda he was pre-warning them
Merlin or management sweetened him up to not write the story, Merlin or management manipulated the situation not him? I think you lost site of the company Merlin here.

I mean this is the journalists industry you’re taking about you think they follow rules and are squeaky clean?

Anyway let’s move on it was 5 years ago I’m sure these kinds of bribes still continue from Merlin (Speculation only)
Things don’t seem quite as bad today; only Nemesis and Rita are closed at the moment, and the other coaster queues are ranging between 30 and 70 minutes according to the queue time website.
It has become routine for the park to have rides closed at any one time.

This season has been an unmitigated disaster, a failure of leadership and the worst in recent memory.

The forthcoming restructuring across the group will serve only to make things even worse.
Sorry I replied to the wrong quote above

He had no agenda he was pre-warning them
Merlin or management sweetened him up to not write the story, Merlin or management manipulated the situation not him? I think you lost site of the company Merlin here.

I mean this is the journalists industry you’re taking about you think they follow rules and are squeaky clean?

Anyway let’s move on it was 5 years ago I’m sure these kinds of bribes still continue from Merlin (Speculation only)
Did miss the fact we weren't talking about yesterday, so apologies. Would just close out by saying, no: I don't expect them to have much integrity if they write for/have been trained by the Mirror.

Generally then, the place has been semi-run into the ground this season. Coupled with the obvious late season freezes/reductions on spend & OpEx, it's coming down to a quagmire at the busiest time of year.

Do we know how many people they are letting in? If yesterday was sold out, I guess that is the current capacity - did not quite feel the old 28,000 figure, so at least they haven't gone completely bananas by letting that many people in. @AstroDan I'm looking to you reveal the figure please ha ha.