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Secret Weapon 7 Discussion

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Ian said:
When I suggested the idea a while back I think it was BigDave who suggested placing the rotating track inside a madhouse esque drum to screw with the riders heads. Why do they feel like they're turning upside down when the room all looks fine?

Could open up endless potential for effects and a show piece.

That sounds like a great effect, especially if combined with Diogos idea. Sitting in an upside down position for a few moments before dropping into a half loop, whilst thinking you are upright, could be a real mind bender, and appears to be a lot more sensible an idea.
Sam said:

Isn't this just a dive loop, without the part that takes it upwards? You could hardly market that as "beyond vertical" if it's already been done, and not been been called "beyond vertical".

BUT, if there is a twist half-way down the drop (I did that on a NL coaster once), not only is it a world's first- sort of similar to Mystery Mine- but provides a more than vertical drop too.

Does anyone have any approximate figures on the maximum drop in the station?

Ian said:
Why do they feel like they're turning upside down when the room all looks fine?

This is a fantastic idea Ian, like Hex in reverse.
This was first suggested ages ago too! We'e going over the same old ground I'm afraid.

The outside loop is way out, it'd have to be controlled by wheels all the way around and very slow. Would it be worth it? The twisting track ideas are better, either the roll into the dive loop or that weird trick track thing which makes me think there'll be Hex style illusions and effects. World's craziest Trommel tunnel?
Sam said:
Here is my prediction for SW7. At least, my prediction for how to make the 'washing machine theory' work, anyway. :)




This is a good idea! I never though of this, I thought that the track would rotate 360 Degrees rather than do 180.
The idea of a madhouse/Hex style illusion changes a trick track concept around totally for me. Huge thumbs up. Ok it may be similar to Hex but the idea has so much potential when combined with a twisted/brainwashing/mind control theme, the possibilities are exciting. Imagine the crazy sensations of inverting but seeing a completely motionless cave/room/tunnel!

Sucks that we are all probably way off for SW7 since we know sod all really; but it's exciting to consider a general use for a trick track that adds to and solidifies a theme, and is not a 'spinny bit just for the lolz'. :)
One of the sources that confirmed the 'Track Element' has now also confirmed this over on the TowersTimes Forum. Make of it what you will. His name is Spin_Doctor. Interesting.

I can now confirm that this ride WILL have a beyond vertical drop inside the building. No more information about how and where this will take place. Not entirely certain if this is old news or not. If so I apologise.
If you take the track idea, where it rotates the full 360', then it enters the dive loop and then a barrel roll, you will have 11 inversions.
This could be followed by a launch out.

I pretry sure that this would fit inside that building!
No one has actual said what type of rotating track piece this is. Therefore it could mean a number of things. This is just one thing it could mean:


The track enters a sphere through a sliding door with the train in it. The sphere then rotates in many directions, before lining up the entrance in the desired direction.

Its unlikely, but its an idea.

Sort of like those things where you get strapped in from your hands and feet, then spinned around on many axis. I like it, but i cant really get my head around it.

How will the sphere be supported? Would there be cycles, or just randomness?

I love the idea though!

I have Information from a reliable source, that the ride will be a rollercoaster with at least one inversion.
I think it a double loop in a fish tank, as they bought one too many for sharkbay. :)

and yes, i am joking
Rollercoasters4Life said:
Updating from earlier on:


Lobster Pictures have, as heard earlier, said it isn't their time-lapse camera - but say it could be Time-Lapse Systems camera which they confirmed that it is theirs just 50 minutes ago.

Apparently it is their 5th time lapse project at Alton Towers. Anyone know what the other 4 were?

Three were Sharkbait Reef, Thirteen and the Corkscrew deconstruction. Have no idea what the fourth one is though?
This is my idea, but of course its just an idea and based on no facts.

Nothing is to scale so its purely for demonstration


Hmm, well, that track design with that inline twist on the nearside certainly resembles a certain SW7 marketing image! You may be onto something there Dave :p
^^ That's just a condensed Norwegian Loop though. I'm still holding out for Diogo's suggestion of 180 (or 185 so it doesn't stall) degree Gravity Max-esque beyond vertical tilting track section.
Sam said:
Here is my prediction for SW7. At least, my prediction for how to make the 'washing machine theory' work, anyway. :)




/\ Maybe this, but with the rotating track being able to go the full 360 degree spin. Maybe doing one or two spins in there with the hypnotic smile face spinning too, then you exit into the diving loop section into the outside lift.
Whoops, my bad. I don't even think it would be that uncomfortable - it'd be like Slammer only with something of value happening afterwards. The spinning around a horizontal axis orientated parallel to the track basket that TTF have thrown all of their eggs into would be far more nauseating I reckon.
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