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Thorpe Park: General Discussion

Stranger Things ... the series that FOUR MONTHS ago racked 1.35 billion hours viewed to become the most-watched English-language series in its first 28 days on the Netflix platform.

Give me a break.
True but Thorpe park still has a area themed around angry birds šŸ˜‚
I struggle to see what is likely to be gained by removing the mirror floating train illusion? If you still have to enter the room then the train from the same places its hard to imagine a more impressive or effective use of that dead space below space. Interesting

Was the illusion ever presented well in the first place?

Half-baked, like everything in the attraction.
I always thought the train effect was a wasted opportunity. You were barely in that room for more than a minute as you walked to the train, then when you got off it was all behind you. Itā€™s a shame you couldnā€™t have spent a little more time in there to see how impressive the hanging train actually was.
Getting rid of the best part of the ride for me (the train illusion) makes me a little worried about how good Ghost Train will be. However, they seem to be putting a good amount of effort into it as far as we know, so hopefully it will be at least an improvement to DBGT!
Why did they get rid of the one really good effect that the experience had which was the middle scene where it looked like the tube train was going to come out of the tunnel and run you over?

It was genuinely by far the best bit about and I think Iā€™ve experienced it twice, having ridden it well over 10 times.
Why did they get rid of the one really good effect that the experience had which was the middle scene where it looked like the tube train was going to come out of the tunnel and run you over?

It was genuinely by far the best bit about and I think Iā€™ve experienced it twice, having ridden it well over 10 times.
I can't immediately locate it, but there is a good explanation regarding the history of that effect and the headaches they had with it somewhere in this thread.
I miss Slammer. Itā€™s been a few years since it was fired up and run. I like to think it could make a comeback but I know its chances are dead. IMO it should be preserved even if itā€™s removed, as we know itā€™s the only one left in the world even if it isnā€™t working.
I imagine the issue is also cost, itā€™s not gonna be cheap to remove Slammer if there are no plans to replace it. I guess easier to leave it there until they have a replacement. Iā€™m sure itā€™s also got some random tech on the top of it, I guess for Wi-Fi or what ever else the park might use.