TS Member
Could we get back to talking about Thorpe instead of where people live and how to pronounce it please?
As you aksed, bruv.
I've just realised I didn't go to Thorpe this year. I think it's the first year in memory and would have been unthinkable a few years back. I'm no less excited by rides, so that my localish big park hasn't enticed me in is crazy. I've just go no drive to go and be inevitably disappointed by the mess it has become, dispite some of the hardwear which I still rate.
Exodus is certainly looking exciting, even if I struggle to forgive the obvious wasted opportunity for a decent length ride, and I've no doubt that alone will get me back next year, but I'm just willing the place does something as a whole to have an identity amd direction to go with it. The death of Angry Birds feels like a good sign, but my faith in them going in the right direction from this low point isn't strong.