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[2024] Rulantica General Discussion

I'd save it for last personally. Rulantica was easily the most knackering day of the last time I was at EP, despite having 3 days in the park as well. Also, if you don't wear pool shoes, some of the floor surfaces will try and wear your feet out - I found the first time I went that park days with a post-Rulantica shredded big toe pad are not fun.
And people wonder why I have no interest in water parks!
I'd save it for last personally. Rulantica was easily the most knackering day of the last time I was at EP, despite having 3 days in the park as well. Also, if you don't wear pool shoes, some of the floor surfaces will try and wear your feet out - I found the first time I went that park days with a post-Rulantica shredded big toe pad are not fun.
See both times I've visited I've been with the same friends, and one of them complained a lot about this, particularly at the entrance to Snorri's Saga, but I just didn't see it - I didn't think it was that bad really lol.