Height Restrictions

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Ride Height Restrictions
Sort by: Ride Name - Minimum Height - Maximum Height - Accompanied Height
In most cases restrictions are set by ride manufacturers (rather than Alton Towers) for your safety, so that you can enjoy a ride without coming to any harm. Alton Towers has a legal obligation to adhere to health and safety ride restrictions, and therefore takes height checks very seriously on all rides.
Is height the only restriction in place?
No. Some attractions have other restrictions such as chest-size or age; it is always worth checking the official site to make sure you can ride. If you are in the park, each ride also has a full list of restrictions on an information board at the entrance to the queue.
As you might expect there are also rides that are not suitable for guests with certain disabilities. Alton Towers provide a comprehensive disabled guide to provide information on access for each attraction.
What is 'accompanied' height?
It means that anyone UNDER this height can ride, but they must ride with an adult who is over 18 next to them. There may also be some restrictions as to where you both must sit for your safety, but ride hosts will make you aware of these when boarding.
How do the park know if I'm tall enough?
On many rides an entrance host will determine if you are tall enough to ride using a height board at the entrance of the queue. However, this check may also happen in the ride station before boarding.If you are very close to the restriction, a specially designed height pole may be used to determine the final result against the height board. In such cases the host might give you a special wristband to wear to prove you have had your height checked, which can speed up the process at other attractions later in your day.
You won't be asked to remove your normal shoes, however you may be required to remove high heeled shoes and alike, as these will not help secure you in your ride vehicle as per the minimum height requirements. Large hair styles and tip toe-ing isn't recommended either, and hosts are very aware of all the tricks pulled to try and make yourself look taller (or shorter). A host's decision on allowing you to pass the height check is final (remember, it's your welfare at stake - they have to do this by law for your safety).
Can I be too tall for some rides?
Yes. Some rides have a maximum height restriction. Rides are designed with a "safety envelope" that prevents any part of a rider coming into contact with any scenery or ride machinery. If a rider is tall enough that they might encroach on these safety margins, they will not be able to ride.